Mobile Detailers Beware: Service Area Based Google Profiles + 2022 September Google Update

September 17, 2022

Google My Business profile pages are being deleted by the new September 2022 update - Mobile Detailers Should Read

The service area based Google GMB profiles have been disappearing from rankings, and when our tools mapped their reach it turned up completely red - meaning these particular sites were removed as far away from existence for all intents-and purposes in some cases!

While only four out 100 had this happen there's still something worth noting: All four shared specific details about what happened to them specifically on each occasion. Those common items are:

  • Service Area based business with either residential or no address attached.
  • They had previously a virtual office listed as their address.
  • Additionally they may have previously listed their virtual office as an official place of work

We suspect that the lack of an address on your GMB profile may be what saved you from this update. We have seen cases where people had listed their commercial location, but no one was actually affected by it since they couldn't access those places at all!

How We Fix This or Avoid Being Deleted

While the update is still being rolled out and things have not had a chance to completely settle, the one thing our company could do to resolve the issue was to add the last known verified address back onto the profile. This immediately made the GMB start ranking again. We have not tested whether removing said address will reverse this fix but it is a clear indication that removing your address after this Google update may not be feasible. 

Yes, I am telling you to add an address to your profile. It's clear that Google is favoring businesses with physical locations.

The writing is on the wall -> Google wants an address for your legitimate business. If you are keeping your address off, just realize you are missing out on a large traffic opportunity to your website. On average we see a 27-30% boost in traffic to your website once you put an address on your profile and website.

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